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Stand:updated on 19.04.2023 | Topic Working at BaFin Working at BaFin

BaFin is an attractive employer who can offer you exciting, challenging responsibilities that often have an international dimension. BaFin also offers job security and an attractive work-life balance. BaFin strives to create a family-friendly working environment by making it easier for its staff to combine professional and family life to the extent permitted by the law and its own operating environment. For example, BaFin offers tailored part-time working arrangements, a modern flexitime agreement and a telecommuting job quota.

Who we are

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) supervises credit institutions, insurance undertakings, financial services institutions and asset management companies (Kapitalanlagegesellschaften). BaFin also represents German interests in the EU and other international organisations. BaFin is a Federal institution governed by public law. It is subject to legal and technical supervision by the Federal Ministry of Finance. BaFin has offices in Bonn and Frankfurt am Main and employs a total of 2,711 staff (as at 01 January 2018). It is funded entirely by fees and contributions paid by the institutions and companies it supervises and receives no funding from the Federal budget.

BaFin's responsibilities

Our responsibilities are to ensure

  • that the German financial system continues to function properly and remains competitive and stable and that its integrity is preserved;
  • that the trust of investors and insurance policyholders in this system is maintained;
  • that market operators conduct themselves fairly;

How to start your career with BaFin

BaFin offers you a range of different recruitment options, in particular direct recruitment, a twin-track degree program with alternating work and study terms (Duales Studium), and vocational training.

Direct recruitment

We regularly seek graduates and other candidates with relevant professional experience to work in our technical supervision functions and our cross-sectoral departments. The German civil service is divided into several career tracks. Depending on the type of degree they hold, new recruits are appointed to the “upper intermediate civil service” or the “higher civil service”. Graduates with a “Diplom” degree (first degree MA equivalent) from a university or an (accredited) MA/MSc degree start their career in the “higher civil service”. Candidates with a “Diplom” degree (first degree MA equivalent) from a university of applied sciences or an (accredited) BA/BSc degree are appointed to the “upper intermediate civil service” career track.

Degree subjects for direct recruitment

BaFin recruits in particular graduates with the following degrees for “higher civil service” positions:

  • Economics, finance and business graduates with e.g. university “Diplom” degrees or (accredited) MA/MSc/MBA degrees
  • Graduates with university “Diplom” degrees or (accredited) MA/MSc degrees in mathematics, financial mathematics and related subjects
  • Fully qualified lawyers
  • Graduates with university “Diplom” degrees or (accredited) MA/MSc degrees in IT, business IT and related subjects

BaFin recruits the following graduates for “upper intermediate civil service” positions:

  • Economics, finance and business graduates with e.g. university of applied sciences “Diplom-Betriebswirt/in” or “Diplom-Kaufleute” degrees, or (accredited) BA/BSc/BBA degrees
  • Graduates with university of applied science “Diplom-Verwaltungswirt/in” administration degrees or equivalent BA/BSc degrees
  • Graduates with university of applied science “Diplom” degrees or (accredited) BA/BSc degrees in IT, business IT and related subjects
  • Graduates with university of applied science “Diplom” degrees or (accredited) BA/BSc degrees in mathematics, financial mathematics and related subjects

Twin-track BSc business management degree in central banking

BaFin offers a twin-track BSc business management degree in central banking in which students complete a three-year course with alternating work and study terms at the Deutsche Bundesbank’s University of Applied Sciences in Hachenburg together with candidates from the Bundesbank. BaFin holds a competition each year to select students for this degree course. Candidates must have at least a school leaving exam qualifying them to study at a university of applied sciences (“Fachhochschulreife”). Admission to the course is on 1 October each year, and BaFin students receive a candidate salary for the duration of their studies.

Vocational training at BaFin

BaFin regularly offers vocational training culminating in the following recognised vocational qualifications: "Verwaltungsfachangestellte/r, auch mit Doppelqualifikation" (administrative specialist, with the option of earning an entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences), "Kaufleute für Büromanagement" (office management specialist) and "Fachinformatiker/-innen für Systemintegration" (IT specialist for system integration).

Continuing professional development (CPD)

Whether for beginners, advanced learners or experts: BaFin offers a wide range to strengthen expertise and soft skills. Specific requirements of individual divisions are taken into account as well as overarching topics. Training co-operations, in particular with the German Bundesbank, ECB and European supervisory authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA), strengthen cooperation and international networking.

Gruppenfoto @ BaFin

Contact:Our col­leagues in re­cruit­ment are look­ing for­ward to your call.
Division ZI 1: Specific Human Resources Issues - direct recruitment

Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn
Phone: (+49) 228 / 4108 - 2100

Contact: Chris­tian Rulle
Division ZI 3: Human Resources Development - vocational training

Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0) 228 / 4108-3583
Fax: + 49 (0) 228 / 4108-1550

Contact: Ko­r­nelia Al­tus
Division ZI 3: Human Resources Development - twin-track study

Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0) 228 / 4108 - 3586
Fax: + 49 (0)228 4108-1550

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Publications on this topic

Tak­ing a stand for di­ver­si­ty and equal op­por­tu­ni­ties

As a modern employer, BaFin strives to offer an open and welcoming work environment while actively promoting a good work-life balance for its employees.

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