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Stand:updated on 03.01.2023 | Topic MVP Portal Position limits in commodity derivatives

Application process and reporting following articles 57, 58 of Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II)

The reporting and publishing platform (MVP Portal) allows you to submit various reports electronically to BaFin as part of the specialised procedure "Position limits in commodity derivatives and reporting”.

Operators of trading venues or investment firms can submit daily reports pursuant to Article 58 of Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II) on positions in commodity derivatives, emission allowances or derivatives thereof using the MVP Portal.

Non-financial position holders within the meaning of Article 2(1) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/591, i.e. those whose main business is not financial, can apply for an exemption from the applicable position limit for their positions in commodity derivatives using the MVP Portal if they are entering into positions that are objectively measurable as reducing risks directly relating to their non-financial commercial activities.

The specialised procedure "Position limits in commodity derivatives and reporting" is currently made up of the following submissions/sub-procedures:

  • Daily reports by investment firms
  • Daily reports by trading venues
  • Hedge exemption from position limits

Further information on "Position limits for commodity derivatives" can be found on the BaFin website under "Supervision » Stock exchanges & markets » Position limits for commodity derivatives". Here, you can also find the templates to be used for applications for a hedge exemption and for daily position reports.

Di­rect­ly to MVP-Por­tal

Datenbanken (refer to: Directly to MVP-Portal)

© Franny-Anne /

Please direct any questions relating to the subject matter or content of the "Position limits in commodity derivatives and reporting" procedure to:


Should you have any technical queries or problems, please contact our technical support desk:


Please note

Please note that reports that are submitted as part of the sub-procedure "Daily reports by investment firms" or the sub-procedure "Daily reports by trading venues" via the SOAP web service are considered received only if you have received a confirmation message (Response).

Reports submitted via file upload as part of the sub-procedure "Daily reports by investment firms" or the sub-procedure "Daily reports by trading venues" or applications for the sub-procedure "Hedge exemption from position limits" are considered received only if the status of the MVP submission is "Report accepted".

In the case of applications for the sub-procedure "Hedge exemption from position limits", BaFin Division WA 14 will send confirmation of receipt via e-mail to the contact person specified in the MVP Portal. If you do not receive an e-mail within three days after successfully submitting your files via file upload, please send an enquiry to

Contact: MVP Sup­port
for technical questions and problems


Contact: Bun­de­sanstalt für Fi­nanz­di­en­stleis­tungsauf­sicht
Referat WA 12

Marie-Curie-Straße 24-28
60439 Frankfurt am Main

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