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Erscheinung:19.09.2024 | Topic Digitalisierung “Let­ting go of fa­mil­iar ways”

(BaFinJournal) The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – BaFin) is assisting financial entities on their path to DORA compliance. A supervisory statement sets out the differences between the DORA requirements and the current rules. Ira Kosche-Steinbrecher from BaFin’s IT Supervision provides the background.

More: “Letting go of familiar ways” …

Erscheinung:19.09.2024 | Topic Digitalisierung BaFin pub­lish­es guid­ance notes on the im­ple­men­ta­tion of DO­RA

In future, most supervised financial entities will be obliged to comply with DORA. What does this mean for banks and insurers? A supervisory statement from BaFin on IT risk management and IT third-party risk management provides detailed information.

More: BaFin publishes guidance notes on the implementation of DORA …

Warnings and notes for consumers

Erscheinung:19.09.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection Iden­ti­ty theft: BaFin warns against fixed-term de­posit of­fers from the e-mail ad­dress­es an­lagekon­to@c24.cen­ter and

The financial supervisory authority BaFin warns against alleged fixed-term deposit offers sent from the email address purporting to be from The offers do not originate from CHECK24 Vergleichsportal Geldanlage GmbH. This is a case of identity theft.

More: Identity theft: BaFin warns against fixed-term deposit offers from the e-mail addresses and …

Erscheinung:19.09.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection StarkEU Trad­er Com­pa­ny: BaFin warns against web­site

The financial supervisory authority BaFin warns against offers on the website (previously: BaFin has information that the StarkEU Trader Company allegedly based in Frankfurt is offering financial services without the required authorisation. The company is not supervised by BaFin.

More: StarkEU Trader Company: BaFin warns against website …