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News & Tasks

Erscheinung:24.04.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection BaFin warns con­sumers about web­site: tradex­

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the services offered on the website According to information available to BaFin, the operator is providing financial and investment services on this website without the required authorisation.

More: BaFin warns consumers about website: …

Erscheinung:24.04.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection Nexus LLC: BaFin ad­di­tion­al­ly warns con­sumers about the web­site bull­bear­in­

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation.

More: Nexus LLC: BaFin additionally warns consumers about the website …

Erscheinung:24.04.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection Re­peat­ed iden­ti­ty fraud: BaFin warns con­sumers about the web­site elite-tradin­gen­ter­

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation.

More: Repeated identity fraud: BaFin warns consumers about the website …

Erscheinung:22.04.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection cryp­tex­ BaFin in­ves­ti­gates Cryp­tex­AI Ltd.

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the company CryptexAI Ltd. and the services it is offering. BaFin has information that the company is conducting banking business and/or providing financial services on its website without the required authorisation. The company is not supervised by BaFin.

More: BaFin investigates CryptexAI Ltd. …

Warnings and notes for consumers

Erscheinung:24.04.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection BaFin warns con­sumers about web­site: tradex­

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the services offered on the website According to information available to BaFin, the operator is providing financial and investment services on this website without the required authorisation.

More: BaFin warns consumers about website: …

Erscheinung:24.04.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection Nexus LLC: BaFin ad­di­tion­al­ly warns con­sumers about the web­site bull­bear­in­

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation.

More: Nexus LLC: BaFin additionally warns consumers about the website …

Erscheinung:24.04.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection Re­peat­ed iden­ti­ty fraud: BaFin warns con­sumers about the web­site elite-tradin­gen­ter­

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation.

More: Repeated identity fraud: BaFin warns consumers about the website …

Erscheinung:22.04.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection cryp­tex­ BaFin in­ves­ti­gates Cryp­tex­AI Ltd.

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the company CryptexAI Ltd. and the services it is offering. BaFin has information that the company is conducting banking business and/or providing financial services on its website without the required authorisation. The company is not supervised by BaFin.

More: BaFin investigates CryptexAI Ltd. …

New documents

Topic ResolutionCir­cu­lar 01/2024 (A)

Circular 01/2024 (A) - Minimum requirements for resolvability within the scope of resolution planning (MaResolvability)

Topic Risk managementCir­cu­lar 05/2023 (BA) - Min­i­mum Re­quire­ments for Risk Man­age­ment (MaRisk)

Annotated text of the Minimum Requirements for Risk Management (MaRisk) in the version of 29.06.2023.

Please note: This English version is provided for information purposes only. The original German text is binding in all respects.

An­nu­al Re­port 2022

BaFin Annual Report 2022