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Erscheinung:19.09.2024 | Topic Digitalisierung “Let­ting go of fa­mil­iar ways”

(BaFinJournal) The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – BaFin) is assisting financial entities on their path to DORA compliance. A supervisory statement sets out the differences between the DORA requirements and the current rules. Ira Kosche-Steinbrecher from BaFin’s IT Supervision provides the background.

More: “Letting go of familiar ways” …

Erscheinung:19.09.2024 | Topic Digitalisierung BaFin pub­lish­es guid­ance notes on the im­ple­men­ta­tion of DO­RA

In future, most supervised financial entities will be obliged to comply with DORA. What does this mean for banks and insurers? A supervisory statement from BaFin on IT risk management and IT third-party risk management provides detailed information.

More: BaFin publishes guidance notes on the implementation of DORA …

Warnings and notes for consumers

Erscheinung:20.09.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection Al­pha­S­tock­ing: BaFin warns con­sumers about web­site al­pha­s­tock­

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the services offered on the website According to information available to BaFin, the operator AlphaStocking is providing financial and investment services on this website without the required authorisation.

More: AlphaStocking: BaFin warns consumers about website …

Erscheinung:20.09.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection Vinc­fund/DX fund: BaFin warns con­sumers about the web­site

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about Vincfund/DX fund and the services they are offering. BaFin suspects the operators of the website, who are using the names Vincfund and DX fund, of offering consumers financial and investment services in Germany without the required authorisation. BaFin already issued a warning on 16 August 2024 about an identical offer presented on the website

More: Vincfund/DX fund: BaFin warns consumers about the website …