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Erscheinung:11.09.2024 | Topic Measures Pub­li­ca­tion of fi­nan­cial re­ports: Fed­er­al Of­fice of Jus­tice im­pos­es dis­ci­plinary fine on ETC Is­suance GmbH

On 18 July 2024, the Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für Justiz – BfJ) imposed a disciplinary fine amounting to 50.000 euros on ETC Issuance GmbH

More: Publication of financial reports: Federal Office of Justice imposes disciplinary fine on ETC Issuance GmbH …

Erscheinung:11.09.2024 | Topic Measures Dr. Hön­le AG: BaFin im­pos­es ad­min­is­tra­tive fines

On 7 August 2024, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) imposed administrative fines totalling 200,000 euros on Dr. Hönle AG on grounds that the company had violated the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz – WpHG).

More: Announcement about Dr. Hönle AG …

Warnings and notes for consumers

Erscheinung:18.09.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection Iden­ti­ty fraud: The Fed­er­al Fi­nan­cial Su­per­vi­so­ry Au­thor­i­ty BaFin warns con­sumers against of­fers on web­site ter­ra-cap­i­

According to information available to BaFin, financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation. Contrary to the information on the website, BaFin does not supervise Terra Capital.

More: Identity fraud: The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority BaFin warns consumers against offers on website …

Erscheinung:18.09.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection Iden­ti­ty fraud: BaFin warns con­sumers about web­site ren­di­te­ex­

The Financial Supervisory Authority BaFin warns against offers from the alleged Hofmann & Söhne AG. It is suspected that the operators of the website are offering to open fixed-term deposit accounts without authorisation. They give the impression that Hofmann & Söhne AG is identical with Wegerich, Prof. Dr. Hofmann, Zantiotis & Söhne AG. This is false. It is a case of identity fraud at the expense of the Wegerich, Prof. Dr. Hofmann, Zantiotis & Söhne AG, which has no connection whatsoever with the website

More: Identity fraud: BaFin warns consumers about website …