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Stand:updated on 03.02.2021 | Topic Consumer protection Making complaints and resolving disputes

Is your bank charging fees for current accounts which used to be free of charge? Or your private health insurance company refusing to refund treatment costs or your securities trader failing to disclose information? There are a number of ways that you can complain if you feel wrongly treated by a company: you can complain to the company directly, file your complaint with BaFin and contact private and official consumer protection authorities with your complaint. Where possible, you should first contact the company directly with your complaint. In this section, we explain how the various authorities can help and what you should note when making a complaint.

Mak­ing a com­plaint to a com­pa­ny

If you have reason to complain about a bank, an insurance company, a financial services provider or an asset management company, you should always contact the company concerned in writing. Here we explain how you can resolve your complaint or what you can do if you want to take additional measures.

Das Bild zeigt den Ausschnitt eines Gebäudes mit dem Schriftzug "Bank". (refer to: Making a complaint to a company)

© Roman Levin /

Fil­ing a com­plaint with BaFin

If you as a customer wish to file a complaint about a company, you can do so by contacting BaFin directly. Here we explain the cases in which BaFin will examine your complaint and the procedure for filing a complaint.

Beschwerden & Ansprechpartner (refer to: Filing a complaint with BaFin)

© / BaFin

Re­solv­ing dis­putes through dis­pute res­o­lu­tion en­ti­ties

Not all disputes have to end in court. Many banks, savings banks, insurance companies and asset management companies in Germany are members of private dispute resolution entities and those recognised by the Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für JustizBfJ), and work together with them in order to resolve disputes. The ombudspersons and mediators who work at settling out-of-court disputes are in most cases former judges who make decisions independently and impartially.

Das Bild zeigt zwei Hände, die in einem Buch (Deutsche Gesetze) blättern. (refer to: Resolving disputes through dispute resolution entities)

© Ingo Bartussek -

Re­solv­ing dis­putes through BaFin

As well as filing a complaint, BaFin also offers you the option of contacting our dispute resolution panel. This panel deals with consumer disputes with credit institutions, financial services providers and asset management companies if resolving such disputes does not fall within the remit of the private or officially-recognised consumer dispute resolution entities.

Das Bild zeigt eine Statue von Justitia (Göttin der Gerechtigkeit). (refer to: Resolving disputes through BaFin)

© / no_limit_pictures

FAQs on making complaints and resolving disputes

Who do I contact if I want to report a violation of the prohibition of market manipulation?

If you wish to contact us about a violation of the prohibition of market manipulation or insider trading (please note that this information is only available in German), please contact BaFin’s contact point for whistleblowers.

Can you recommend a particular lawyer?

No, BaFin is obliged to remain neutral. Otherwise this would give the recommended lawyers a competitive advantage over those who had not been recommended. You can find a suitable lawyer for your particular case by contacting the German Bars (Rechtsanwaltskammer). The website of the German Federal Bar contains a list of the 28 German Bars which in turn keep lists of the specialist lawyers in their regions (please note that this service is only available in German).

Can you give me addresses of investor protection associations and consumer protection centres?

There are a large number of investor protection associations. However, BaFin is not in a position to make any recommendations due to its obligation to remain neutral. You can find the addresses of investor protection associations on the internet or by consulting the specialist press. Details about the regional consumer centres can be found at (please note that this website is only available in German).

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